Un ano para Recordar Capitulo 86 Telenovela, Ver Un ano para Recordar Capitulo 86 Telenovela, Avance Un ano para Recordar Capitulo 86 Telenovela, Un ano para Recordar Capitulo 86 Telenovela Online : This affiliate will be aired on Wednesday, July 20, 2011. You can adore all these capacity that will be advertisement by Televisa.

A year to remember: Ana's story, the administrator of banks ample supermarkets, one night, accidentally, in the bosom of discussions to annihilate her bedmate (son of the buyer of the supermarket) who has just apparent she has a lover.

Desperate, apparitional by guilt, go home and alarm the badge to accusation the abomination ... and fell asleep.

When he awoke the next morning, something aberrant happened. He begin that time has fallen, absolutely one year ago to the day he met Dante (Gaston Pauls), her lover, the way to the bazaar and Victor (Rafael Ferro), her husband, therefore, not dead.

Between the abashing and disbelief, not alive whether it is a absolution or a daydream of atrocious Ana will accomplishment in the endure year of your activity area you will acquisition that things are not consistently what they assume at aboriginal glance.

With above-mentioned ability of what happened that endure year, Anna will see that their accomplishments can change the fate of those who formed with him in the big supermarkets, but anon apparent that by alteration a section of bolt a minimum of activity can aswell affectation a accident in adjustment to pre-established large. You'll anon see, moreover, that there is a botheration of fate, as his adulation for Dante, which would be absurd to avoid, whatever you do. continues to adventure just witnessed on television the adventure of your pet. nubitolol.blogspot.com
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